Business Consulting Services
Business Consulting Services
RealPro offers companies a Trusted Consulting Service with tailored services to solve a variety of complex business issues. RealPro Consultants will help to increase your revenue, decrease your costs, and introduce opportunities that can take your company to the next level)
1. Strategy Consulting
One of the most critical forms of business consulting is strategy consulting, where a consultant acts as an advisor to a company in the sense of helping the organization to create and follow a long-term blueprint or strategic plan. Such a plan helps to establish the direction that the company will take in the long-term, along with creating a map that defines the direction that the company will take in the short-term in order to fulfill all long-term goals. This includes working with financial advisors to ensure that projects are financially manageable and profitable, and that all plans can feasibly be reached with the current resources and financial assets. Strategy consultants often work with a variety of C-suite executives, including the CEO, CFO, COO, and CIO, to ensure that all long-term goals, financial goals, operational projects, and IT infrastructure components align with the business vision.
Overall, strategy consultants work to not only establish the long-term company vision/goals, but also work to assist a company with ensuring that such goals are attainable, profitable, and competitive within the market.
2. Business Consulting
Business Consulting is often confused with other forms of consulting, such as strategic consulting or management consulting. Business consulting is a form of corporate consulting where a specialist (typically one with many years of business experience) assists with optimizing internal workflow and the internal inner workings of the business as a whole, including:
• Hierarchy: The manner in which a business operates includes the management & executive hierarchy. Optimizing and tweaking the business hierarchy can help to effectively streamline how teams work, which can positively alter how the business operates.
• Structure: The business structure of an enterprise can be optimized so that every department is working at full capacity. A business consultant may use industry data, statistics, and experience to suggest the best structure for a business to adopt.
• Organization: Like the business structure, a business consultant may help an enterprise optimize its organization, which includes both macro-level organizational factors (e.g. the C-suite executive/management structure and standard duties) and micro-level organizational factors (e.g. how different teams within specific departments are organized, and how teams carry out workflows within the business ecosystem)
• Teams: A business consultant may suggest that more teams within a department be created, or that some teams be dismantled. Their job might include assisting with altering how teams operate within a business for further efficiency.
• Workflows/Operations: A business consultant often acts in an overlapping manner when compared with an operations consultant and/or a business analyst. Such a consultant may help an enterprise with streamlining operations, workflows, projects, and other business tasks whose optimization can increase the bottom line of a business.
• Business environment: A business consultant may help a business to draft a code of ethics, or may help an enterprise deal with intra- or inter-departmental issues associated with the workplace environment.
3. Financial Consulting.
One of the most well known forms of consultancy is financial consultancy. A financial consultant often works with a company’s CFO and/or a strategic consultant (or internal business strategist) to help the business align its financial goals (e.g. profit margins, overhead, spending habits, ROI, etc.) with all tactical short-term goals, and strategic long-term goals.
Additionally, a financial consultant analyzes an enterprise’s entire position and portfolio soa company can determine how feasible requisite projects are, and whether opportunity costs can or should be considered. There are a myriad of other tasks that a financial consultant may help a business with, including investment strategies, taxes, insurance, strategies for saving money, scaling into other markets, including profit margins, and lowering customer acquisition costs.
4. Information Technology Consulting
IT consultants include a vast array of experts that work within many different areas, all of which may help a business better leverage their IT infrastructure. Typically, IT consultants are split into two groups:
1. Upgrading/Change: These consultants are concerned with IT change management, and work with changing the IT systems of a business for the sake of bettering their capacities. This includes upgrading to cloud systems, migrating data, replacing legacy systems, bringing in advantaged technological systems like Blockchain technology or Big Data analytics engines, and more.
2. Non-upgrading/Maintenance:
Other IT consultants are, broadly speaking, not associated with changing the IT infrastructure of the business per se, but are usually hired to optimize existing systems in some way. This includes software engineers brought in to do a specific type of coding project, security testers meant to ensure that a company’s systems cannot be hacked, technicians hired to carry out a tricky or complex fix on IT components, or strategically designing a blueprint for a robust company Mobile app.
5. Management Consulting
Management consulting includes a robust set of practices whose purpose is to optimize how senior personnel manage teams, projects, and departments on a day-to-day basis. This is a very important subset of consultancy work as it deals with how the company runs from the top-down. Management consultants are usually former senior executives with years of management experience, and often work with internal business strategists to help set up a comprehensive blueprint that defines long-term management goals.
Additionally, management consultants often use robust management consulting frameworks and case studies to help managers be more aware of industry best-practices and the most effective management methodologies.
Management consultancy frameworks are often used to assess several factors that can influence how management directs the company, including benchmark comparisons with competition, market entry feasibility, optimizing game organizational structures, IT component ROI, personnel team restructuring, asset management, and opportunity costs, among other factors.
The end-goal of management consultancy is to optimize the management methodologies in use so that the business operates in a better and more efficient manner.
6. Sales Consulting
Sales consultants are important external elements that can help a business optimize a company’s internal sales pipelines, and can also present to a company novel ways for optimizing the entire sales/marketing system that a company utilizes to convert more leads into customers. While working with the Chief Sales/Marketing Officer and strategic business analysts, sales consultants can offer a unique outside view on implementing sales funnel charts, increasing conversion rates, lowering churn rates, increasing customer loyalty, lowering customer acquisition costs (CAC), and how each can be achieved with minimal overhead.
Sales consultants can also operate as more in-depth experts on specific issues, such as offering insights on how a company merge can increase sales, or helping an enterprise to forecast sales when moving into a new region or market.
7. Marketing Consulting
Like sales consultants, marketing consultants are effective thought-leaders and experts who can help a business radically revolutionize their marketing pipeline and systems, including:
• Implementing a strategic marketing plan for long-term goals (aligned to sales forecasts).
• Creating a Content marketing plan, and helping to implement it.
• Helping to create plans for decreasing churn rates and increasing conversion rates, which often includes designing a system for increasing qualified leads and reducing the number of unqualified leads.
• Aligning all marketing goals with a robust marketing funnel scheme that is linked to every phase of the marketing plan.
• Creating and implementing an Inbound Marketing Scheme.
Senior marketing experts – who are often marketing consultants – can help a company discover novel opportunities for more advantageous marketing processes, such as identifying a new demographic to be marketed to, or creating a buyer persona plan associated with marketing regions.
8. Brand Consulting
The Brand of a company represents the public-face and overall representation of the enterprise, and includes everything from its Public-Relations (PR) department, to the design, logo, and visual imagery of the company. Essentially, the brand of the business is every symbolic representation of the company. Optimizing the brand of a company is just as important as optimizing marketing and sales processes and workflows. A brand consultant can help a business discover new ways for presenting the company’s assets to the public in the most appealing and advantageous manner possible. This can include designing different logos and visual set pieces, and can include utilizing specific PR best-practices to ensure that the public view of the company is at its best.
9. Real Estate Consulting
A real estate consultant provides expert advice and recommendations to clients looking to purchase or develop property. Real estate consultants generally work with commercial real estate investors rather than residential buyers and sellers. They are also referred to as “real estate counselors” or “real estate advisors.” Real estate consultants typically have a real estate license and may hold a Counselors of Real Estate (CRE) designation.
A real estate consultant’s exact role depends on the type of client with whom they work. For example, consultants working on a property development project are often hired before the land is even secured. The client relies on the real estate consultant to confirm the viability of the investment. The consultant does this by visiting the proposed job site, meeting with local real estate professionals, and analyzing market trends.
Types of Real Estate Consulting
Real estate consultants often specialize in working with one type of business, but some may work with a variety of clients. Here are some examples of common types of real estate consulting.
Property Development
Real estate consultants are hired to advise on commercial and real estate development projects from start to finish. This may involve researching potential sites for the development, conducting feasibility reports, and running competitive analyses.
Consultants who work for developers usually have a background in sales or marketing. Developers look to consultants to provide insight into buyer trends to produce a property that is both competitive and unusual in the market. Some real estate consultants may also work with interior designers.
Real Estate Investors
Investors looking to add real estate to their portfolio may hire a real estate consultant to help manage the process. In this role, the real estate consultant conducts economic analysis to ensure the investment is a sound financial decision for the buyer.
This may start with an analysis of the pricing, supply, and demand of the property type or location. The consultant then evaluates the marketability of the property to determine profits under current market conditions. The outcomes of this research are used to estimate the risk to the buyer and the potential return on investment. The consultant may also review property appraisals and insurance policies.
Consulting Firms
Large consulting firms offer a wide range of services to help determine the value of a development project or real estate investment. They provide real estate consulting services to real estate investment trusts (REITs), other investors, lenders, business owners, and corporate real estate groups. Real estate consultants who work for consulting firms perform due diligence, conduct market studies, and offer lease advisory and portfolio services. They also assist with real estate portfolio positioning, strategy, and financial analytics and modeling.
Residential Clients
Some real estate agents offer consulting services in addition to their normal real estate business. In this case, the consultant would help the buyer determine whether a purchase was a good investment. They will consider the buyer’s goals and look at all aspects of a potential transaction. Because they are not working for commission, the consultant is able to provide advice that is completely objective and unbiased.
10. HR Consulting
Consultants who specialize in human resources help clients establish techniques for conflict resolution, which can improve team member satisfaction and staff development and training. HR consultants may also have a role in the hiring process, as they can conduct a process analysis to improve how an organization handles the onboarding of new candidates.
Consultants who specialize in human resources help clients establish techniques for conflict resolution, which can improve team member satisfaction and staff development and training. HR consultants may also have a role in the hiring process, as they can conduct a process analysis to improve how an organization handles the onboarding of new candidates.
11. Compliance Consulting
Compliance consulting involves helping a company adhere to local and federal laws and regulations. Compliance consultants can help a company interpret and develop programs to avoid the legal and financial ramifications of failing to abide by established laws. They can also help them remain knowledgeable of current legal changes.
12. Legal Consulting
Smaller companies may not have the needs or funds to hire a full-time attorney. Legal consultants often work for companies to provide insight and assistance with particular legal situations.
They may help create a strategic plan for handling elements of a legal issue so the company can maintain its reputation and resume its operations normally. In order to enter this specialty, a candidate must obtain a Juris Doctorate from an accredited law school.
13.Social Media Consulting
Social media consultants help clients properly use social media channels in order to reach their target audience. While social media consulting may belong under the category of marketing consulting, some experts see it as a separate entity that belongs in its own category.
This specialty typically values experience over formal education. However, employees in this field can constantly educate themselves on the latest trends and strategies for each social media platform.
14.Sustainability Consulting
Sustainability consulting involves helping clients find ways to reduce their impact on the environment. A sustainability consultant can help a company develop and implement more sustainable practices so it can not only improve the environment's health but also increase its brand image and reputation among the general public.
15.Fitness and Wellness Consulting
Consultants who specialize in health or wellness develop fitness and dietary programs for their clients. This can take the form of health coaching, personal training or nutrition, all of which require certification in the chosen specialty.
16.Growth Consulting
Growth consulting is the process of advising a client on how to grow their business. A consultant in this specialty may help a client focus on scaling a company and identify ways to increase the number and quality of new customers it attracts. They may also assist with risk management so they mitigate potential risks and ensure the company is as profitable as possible as it expands into new industries or new markets.
17.PR Consulting
Public relations consultants aim to improve a brand's public image or presence. They shape the way that people view a company's owners, team members, products or services by writing press releases, building campaigns and conducting surveys. Although a bachelor's degree in public relations is beneficial, your network and experience are oftentimes more valuable in this industry.